Sunday 22 July 2012

Le regretter

part of growing up is making your own decisions and living with the consequences, i was raised as such and lived my life based on this, my father and mother raised me as a sprightly young chap who had the freedom of thought and of speech, however as i grew older, such liberties were not afforded as words, thoughts and decisions might not be affable or agreeable to the plurality of society, and so we curb our tongues and learn self control. However, "what ifs" emerge. What if did not, what if i did what if this what if that, for me the only what if i had was about going to my fathers alma mater and continued the legacy of my family and adding a little shine to my humble resume later on in life, other than that i do not recall any regrets, or missed oppurtunities. In my humble opinion if it still pulls at your hearts strings, than solve it, read it, get over it, whatever. baggage is baggage and some might be so damaging that the bright light you were born with fades and fades till it becomes a speck in this already gloom abyss, which is today's world. however if regrets do still play around in any of your minds believe me, i apologies and if those what ifs persists please pursue them as it brings no good in thinking of what might have been, make it happen and be done with it... =)
 no reggretter -edith piaf-

Sunday 15 July 2012


as i lay waiting for my parents to send me home to campus, i can't help but notice the hope in their voices, the belief in their eyes and the sacrifice. i wonder how sch emotions are born. it is love of the highest order, i'm a fuck up to put things in perspective and deemed a failure by many, i hope to see the glitter in their eyes yet again. a glitter of happiness and pride in their first born. this belief weighs heavily on my shoulders and i often stumble and fall. all i can do is hope. hope in myself and believe in equal measure....

Saturday 14 July 2012

What I'm missing out on.....

I thought that a loose order of things used to exist and there were limits to social interaction. How wrong i was though, in the midst of my foolishness i bore witness to, in my worthless opinion an act of most horrid nature. Yet it, to the minds of the people who experienced it, quite all right. and was forgiven as nonchalantly as a master wold forgive a witless slave. All the more amusing it became as i learned that the person who committed such offence was well educated, thus one does wonder how social scenario does arise in this day and age, to old I might be in thought, and yes times have changed since, but what i saw was simply.... horrid.  Therefore I begin to question my existence, am I the only ponce who still believes in old values, or am i becoming to old for my time? Am i missing out on youth? Or maybe the idea of youth itself has changed considerably. The tempest which consumed me was not borne of impatience, no, it was borne out of sheer disbelief that such acts were seen as banter. If so, than i am in the wrong company. As liberal as i am, i do know the difference between jest and sexual harassment. I myself am not perfect, admittedly, i too succumb to vices of pleasure, yet in private, and not so boldly upon the canvas of social networks. Do i change? Join the ranks of mindless inbreeds? Or salvage some sanity, what little that remains of course. What has become of me? Riled by sudden stupidity and insolence, Must i realise that this is the world now, where everything is possible, a man who was a beggar in a village is master of a city, the man who was a master in the city lies hungry on the pavements, a man who is taught well, is the pariah , whereas the swine climb ever so prominently to the top with tales of promise yet hollow in nature. I am muhammad ariff bin mohd tuah. i have made bad choices, but i will live with them. and make good of what is to come. Life fucks me, yes... but as any student learns,the threshold of pain reminds oneself of former station and it is best not to revisit them.

Friday 13 July 2012


I happen to love this woman with all my life, no matter how hard i try to deny it, in anger. She has made me happy. And still does. However things have become harder, more complicated and less logical. Regardless of what she thinks, I have none other than her in my heart, and if it comes to pass that she leaves, she has forever imprinted herself in my life forever.